Spring Cleaning? Don't forget your HVAC unit!

Tips to keep your unit running in tip top shape before it turns into Summer

Spring Time Maintenance on your HVAC unit not only provides clean breathing air for inside your home, but also a more efficient unit.  This in turn extends the life of your unit as well as lowering your utility bills and the cost of unit repairs.  Keep reading below for simple tips to maintain a healthy HVAC unit before the outside temperature really heats up for the Summer.

Change The Air Filter

This is the simplest maintenance you can do to keep your unit efficiently running.  It is encouraged to change the filter out monthly but in case you haven’t done so lately, now is the best time to do so.  A clean filter will improve your energy consumption by putting less stress on the unit.  A clean filter will also trap airborne allergens like dust particles and pollen. 

Keep Windows and Doors Closed

Pollen is plentiful and everywhere this time of the year.  Keeping your windows and doors closed will help pollen and other allergens from entering the house.  As Spring turns into Summer the outside temperatures start to rise.  The longer windows and doors stay open the more strain is put on your unit to keep it cool inside. 

Check Ductwork

Your units ductwork can be easily forgotten, out of sight out of mind, but it is crucial in delivering our clean cool air throughout your house.  Check to see if there are any holes or joints need to be resealed and the ductwork is properly insulated.

Remove Obstructions Around The Outside Unit

People often plant vegetation around their unit to keep it from being seen.  During the Spring new life comes to those plants and may need to be trimmed.  It is advised to keep any obstructions at least two feet away from the unit to insure proper air pull.  Also check to see if any dead leaves/grass have been lodged between the grill and coil.

Check The Drainage Hole

Somewhere around the base of your unit will be a drainage hole that needs to be kept clear of clogs.  An obstruction free drainage hole will allow the unit to run efficiently by removing any strains from the unit trying to drain.

Schedule An Appointment for Routine Maintenance

It’s a good idea to have your unit serviced by a certified NATE technician.  They are able to take a more in depth look at your unit to ensure the electrical connections and refrigerant pressure are in check.  A certified technician will also be able to inform you of any issues that may happen in the future if ignored.  Stroop’s Accurate Refrigeration only employs certified NATE technicians so you can ensure the job is done right on your HVAC unit.

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